
An 18-Week Team Exploration:

Our model relies heavily on a responsive rather than a didactic approach. This is why we use the word “exploration” to describe this level of engagement. As our understanding of an organisation deepens, we are more and more able to finetune our recommendations of particular tools or practices. Indeed, our practice is to develop further tools wherever necessary, as we discover situations that require new practices.
Practically, what this looks like is that every other week, we send out a thoughtful write-up of one of our principles, explaining some of the relevant research that supports it, and suggesting ways to embody and apply the principle as a leader or team member, inviting feedback and eliciting questions and information from your team. In the intervening weeks, we send out our reflections on the patterns that have emerged in the team’s information and feedback, as well as answering any questions with further research and the recommendation of particular tools. This uniquely responsive, joint exploration allows your team members to develop a common language around growth and collaboration, even as they cultivate a shared set of principles for what makes a healthy team.

Future Dreams:

We briefly introduce three sets of three principles for cultivating healthy teams that collaborate authentically in service of change and growth. Accompanying each principle is a set of tools or practices, currently on cards. We establish a playful atmosphere for small groups to work with sample scenarios and case studies. Participants learn how the kit empowers team members to identify which principle is most relevant in a particular scenario and then select the tool or practice that best fits their needs and individual or group identity. The kit references a wide body of research and writing on organisational culture, leadership, and collaboration. Its simple structure and flexible nature offer participants a quick and practical path to mastering this vital body of knowledge.

Leadership Coaching:

We offer one-on-one leadership coaching for those who are interested in expanding their skillset through a more intensive engagement with the Primer approach. This involves weekly check-ins on Zoom, the opportunity to safely share the challenges you’re facing, and–most significantly–to equip yourself to proactively address problematic patterns in your teams so that the health and growth of each individual and the work of the team are guarded. We practice applying the tools of Primer to a range of case studies, as well as to situations that have arisen in your organisation.