One-Day Teams Workshop:

At the heart of the Primer one-day workshop is the assumption that every organisation behaves like an organism. The health of the whole depends upon the well-being of each member individually and upon strong relationships throughout the organisation. A healthy team opens the possibility of authentic and exciting collaboration, in service of growth! The Primer training shares a model for fostering the health of your team, and then offers a toolkit for effective collaboration in problem-solving, drawn largely from the world of design thinking. Primer provides a unified view of collaboration, change and project design.
Our interactive one-day workshop introduces participants to our responsive approach and to our kit of practices that emerge from three core principles:

  • Cultivate ideal Conditions;

  • Imagine a way forward;

  • Nurture the Change.

Participants leave with a better understanding of their existent organisational culture, as well as with a clear sense of how Primer Teams might open possibilities for profound collaboration.

We use a series of (sometimes unconventional) activities and questions to assess the current quality of collaboration in your team. We work to understand how your team describes and experiences their organisational culture. Critical to the success of this session is our establishment of a safe space and avenue for team-members to be honest. We rely on creativity, in part, to accomplish this! The objective of this session is to celebrate the ways in which your workplace culture already supports collaboration and to clearly name possible faultlines and challenges, even prior wounds, that may be preventing deeper collaboration.

Session 1: Taking the Temperature

Session 2: Understanding the Primer Teams Framework

We briefly introduce three sets of three principles for cultivating healthy teams that collaborate authentically in service of change and growth. Accompanying each principle is a set of tools or practices, currently on cards. We establish a playful atmosphere for small groups to work with sample scenarios and case studies. Participants learn how the kit empowers team members to identify which principle is most relevant in a particular scenario and then select the tool or practice that best fits their needs and individual or group identity. The kit references a wide body of research and writing on organisational culture, leadership, and collaboration. Its simple structure and flexible nature offer participants a quick and practical path to mastering this vital body of knowledge.

Session 3: Applying the Primer Teams Framework

Entering a more reflective mode of operating, participants select one situation at work or one facet of their work that they would like to transform. With guidance from us and in dialogue with the group, they take the time to create a series of action steps emerging from their mastery of the Primer Teams approach. The objective of this session is to encourage each participant to internalise their learning and walk away from the workshop with a practical application of the content.